These two amazing people, Katherine and Nick North, share how they get comfortable with the uncomfortable asking when seeking support.

These two amazing people, Katherine and Nick North, share how they get comfortable with the uncomfortable asking when seeking support.
Olamide Olowe and Claudia Teng join me to share how they were able to raise millions for their brand and carve out a space for themselves in the beauty industry.
Wealth philosopher and founding CEO of The Living Wealthy Institute joins me on LinkedIn Live to discuss what being wealthy means to her and how we can all improve our relationship with money.
Kara Goldin joins me to discuss how she scaled her brand hint and why “maybe” can mean “yes.”
Dr. Adia Gooden joins me to discuss the mental health of Black women and what we can do to improve our quality of life.
Jodi-Ann Burey, speaker, writer, and disruptor in the pursuit of equity for all in the actual system, joins me on LinkedIn Live to discuss how the idea of “imposter syndrome” can hinder minority women in the workplace.
Sybil Amuti shares how she built The Great Girlfriends into a mega-brand and gives you tips on how to build a passionate community
Tai Beauchamp chats with me about partnerships, collaborations that work, and how to make your wellness and your peace of mind your priority – even as you handle your business.
Shatanese Reese, a certified emotional intelligence coach and entrepreneur, joins me on LinkedIn Live to discuss the importance of emotional intelligence and how we show up for ourselves.
Dawn Shedrick, Founder of JenTex Training & Consulting, joins me on LinkedIn Live to share her philosophy on how to stop being the strong one and embrace support from a loving community.
Choose a date and time that works the best for you, via the calendar below!