In this episode of Support is Sexy, Dr. Zoe Shaw, who is featured in “Get Over ‘I Got it,’” joins Elayne to discuss the “Superwoman Complex” and how to retire your cape. Dr. Zoe shares how she got over her ‘I Got It’ Syndrome, how to avoid overwhelm, and why we...
How to make sure your anxiety doesn’t ruin your opportunities What happens to a dream realized? Does it burn your eyes like the sun? Does it make you happy? Or does it make you cut and run? I’m no Langston Hughes, I know. But I’ve been...
In this episode of Support is Sexy, CEO of Nonprofit HR Lisa Brown Alexander, who is featured in Elayne’s upcoming book, Get Over ‘I Got It,’ speaks about her experience in removing her mask, getting the support she needs, and prioritizing her mental health....
In this episode of Support is Sexy, Founder and CEO of CoveyClub and former Editor-in-Chief of More Magazine Lesley Jane Seymour gives her best tips for successful reinvention. Lesley — who is featured in chapter 10 of Elayne’s new book — Get Over...
It’s a dream come true, and, yes, I’m terrified. Writing a book is definitely one of the oldest dreams I have. And now that we’re just over a month away and my very first book, “Get Over ‘I Got It'” is scheduled for release...