Barbara Biziou

Barbara Biziou

“Elayne Fluker has hit the mark in her book “Get Over I Got it,” by showing the strength of being vulnerable and calling in the support you require. The time of dysfunctional independence is over. Our world is changing and to have true success we need to be able...
Dr. Zoe Shaw

Dr. Zoe Shaw

“This delightful book, written by a retired superwoman herself is a pot of gold for any ambitious, go-getter woman ready to finally retire her cape, do less and experience the abundance she deserves. Elayne lights the way with her wisdom filled stories,...
Tai Beauchamp

Tai Beauchamp

“Elayne is a force! She’s committed her entire career to not only sharing the powerful stories of women but sharing her own wisdom to empower us all to rise. In “Get Over ‘I Got It'” Elayne inspires 21st Century “superwomen”...
Stephanie Nadi Olson

Stephanie Nadi Olson

This is the book I’ve been waiting for. As a founder of a startup – and as a woman – I crave business books that speak to my experience and energetics. In Get Over ‘I Got it’, Elayne Fluker taps into the core essence of female power to not only...
Maya Penn

Maya Penn

Elayne Fluker is the real deal and truly a force of nature. Her journey and story is one of a champion for self love, self empowerment, and reclamation of energy. Elayne’s writing feels like brunch with your best friend and a breakthrough therapy session all...