Erin Summ is a Confidence Coach and she shares with us how confidence can be learned. This episode is for you if you're having struggles with getting out there and being a confident entrepreneur. You'll find new ways to gain confidence and learn how to be a successful...
Nothing is more powerful than women supporting women! On each episode of the Support is Sexy podcast, Elayne Fluker chats with women entrepreneurs who are handling their business, loving their lives, and inspiring you to do the same!

Remote Year VP Trish Kennelly on a Life of Travel, Adventure & Living Outside of Your Comfort Zone
You don't have to choose between work and travel. You can do both! On this episode of the Support is Sexy podcast, Trish Kennelly, VP of Experience for Remote Year, tells how to incorporate travel, adventure and work into your lifestyle. Remote Year is...
‘Girl, Wash Your Face’ Author Rachel Hollis on Building an Authentic Brand and Being Your Beautiful, Messy Self
Rachel Hollis is the author of the beloved book, Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing the Lies about Who You are So You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be -- which is a candid, transparent, honest and inspiring guide for women. On this episode of the Support...
Is Complaining Sabotaging Your Life? Cianna Stewart of No Complaints Project Tells How to Shift Your Narrative
On this episode we discuss: How to manage complaining in our lives also why complaining is usually a symptom of something else. It's not about the complaint. It's deeper. Healthy vs Unhealthy complaining How to manage people in your life who...
Mother of Five Christina Garrett on Running a Momathon and Raising Your Family Your Way
Mother of Five Christina Garrett on Running a Momathon, Building a Community and Raising Your Family Your Way/p> Christina Garrett, Founder of Running a Momathon; is a non-profit organization dedicated to the success of women, especially...
Producer Adrienne Nicole Tells Why You MUST Register Your Business as a Minority or Woman-Owned Business
Adrienne Nicole Productions is a full-service video production company that provides engaging videography and photography content for clients looking to increase their visibility. They shoot, edit, produce, direct, create motion graphics, animation, and...
How Chef and Biz of Baking Founder Michelle Green Helps Transform Cake Ladies into Boss Ladies in Business
Entrepreneur, chef and business coach Michelle Green fell in love with baking when she was just 16 years old. After attending culinary school, building a successful cake business and then selling her business, Michelle became committed to sharing her expertise to help...
Nicole Roberts Jones Helps Women Entrepreneurs Bankroll Their Brilliance and Create Streams of Income
South Central Los Angeles native Nicole Roberts Jones didn't set out to be an entrepreneur. Her glamorous job as a television executive in Hollywood, who attended all the hot parties with friends and walked the red carpets of big events, was plenty to keep her busy....
The Truth about Writer’s Block and What’s Stopping You from Being Creative with Coach Kristin Iris
On this episode of the Support is Sexy podcast, creativity coach and mentor Kristin Iris challenges all of the excuses many of us, as writers, lean on when we're having resistance with being our most creative selves. Kristin -- a writer herself, who takes a...
How to Raise a Maverick Founder Emily Gaudreau: Teaching Your Kids Work Ethic, Grit & Empathy
Emily Gaudreau grew up in the mountains of Colorado in a family of entrepreneurs who did everything from selling frozen steaks to owning a lingerie store. She never thought about having a “regular job” or an average life, and when she graduated high school she...
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