In this episode of Support is Sexy, intenSati Founder Patricia Moreno, who is featured in Elayne’s new book “Get Over ‘I Got It’” (HarperCollins Leadership), discusses how to “live the question” and hunger for the answer. The more you immerse yourself in living...
In this episode of Support is Sexy, Dawn Shedrick, Founder of JenTex Training & Consulting, is featured in Elayne’s new book GET OVER “I Got It” (HarperCollins Leadership) in Chapter 6: Stop Being the Strong. Dawn joins the podcast to speak on the...
It’s one week after the launch of my new book, Get Over “I Got It”, and whether it’s conversations with friends or one of the many interviews I’ve been blessed to do, a question that keeps coming up is: How does it feel to be a...
May 11. Today is the day. At midnight, I officially became a published book author for the very first time. I’ve been both excited and anxious about this day, but I’m also grateful. Grateful for the many who have supported me along the way, and...
On May 11th my very first book, “Get Over ‘I Got It'” (HarperCollins Leadership) will be released into the world. All I can say is EEEEEKKK!! Excited, nervous, anxious, did I say excited? It’s all swirling around. But what I refuse to do...